[맥/윈도우] 안드로이드/iOS 폰에서 파일 받는 방법
1. 네트워크 연결
장치가 휴대폰과 동일한 Wi-Fi 네트워크에 연결되어 있는지 확인합니다. (최상의 성능을 위해 5G 대역 Wi-Fi 연결을 권장합니다.)
2. 2. 휴대폰과 Mac/PC에 1001 TVs 설치하기
앱 스토어 또는 구글 플레이에서 앱을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.
3. Launch the Mac App and select File Transfer feature
4. Launch the Phone App and select the File Transfer feature
5. Search Nearby Devices
6. All devices listed
- If the last connected device is available, you can transfer files directly.
- For paired devices, you can also transfer files directly.
- If connecting to a new device, please tap it to pair.
- For an offline device, please ensure the network is stable. You can still view the received files.
7. Pair device with Mac/PC
8. Select files to send
9. Select files to send
You can click to open a file, view the file in Finder or Windows File Explorer, and click to refresh the current list.
10. Send Files from Mac/PC to Phone
Select one paired device.
11. Drag and drop files in the drop zone
12. Open the ‘Receive’ tab page on your phone, where your files will be displayed.