
How to fix unexpected interruptions during screen mirroring

1. Allow show floating window

2. Check 1001 TVs in the notification bar.

如果没有,请打开 "设置 "并导航至 "通知管理",然后为 1001 TVs 授予通知权限。

3.Turn off the screen setting and keep the phone screen always on.

4.确保启用 [Ignore Battery Optimization(忽略电池优化)],以防止在屏幕镜像过程中终止 1001 TVs 进程。请按照以下步骤配置此设置:

5. Verify Network Stability: Use a network cable to connect your PC and TV to the router. If using Wi-Fi, ensure a strong and stable signal. (Preferable use Wi-Fi with 5G band.)

6. Turn off the router and restart it after 5 minutes.

7. Ensure that your mobile phone has more than 70% power, and it’s best to keep it charging.

8. Huawei: keep application running in background